
The wait

Wait, they said

So she did, before she realised it, she had thrown her dreams and aspirations out the window

See, she was never programmed to pursue her own “happily ever after”, instead she left that responsibility to her better half

What will he think of you, was what was often said

So she adjusted herself, suppressed her inner being and its growth potential

See, she once was strong willed, but society labeled those qualities as that of the men

You won’t be young forever, were the looks bestowed upon her

So she compromised her values, adjusted the criteria in hope to not be “alone”

See, with everyday that went passed, she slowly forgot it was like to be content and happy with one’s self

What have you accomplished, is what she is told

So she disassociate herself from reality, away from every trigger reminding her of the what if I just did me

See, they don’t understand that their voices are subliminal messages that oppressed her growth contributing to the failure that she feels she is today,

Wait, they had said

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